The Runday Shag

Issue 2519

Date:        28 April 2024

Hare:        Master Bates

Venue:     Hamm Moor Lane, Addlestone

On On:     The Pelican


  Many years ago Timbo (I think) set a trail in eastern Surrey, which he or another hare then echoed a week or two later with an identical trail run in reverse. The editor of this sheet reprinted the initial report with exactly the same words but in reverse order (heaven knows how he typed it!).  Master Bates today sent us round his previous trail from this industrial estate, exactly reversing the last one, set only a year or so ago.  Our Uncle Gerry commented gloomily that there is no other countryside here in Addlestone.  Certainly it made predicting solutions to checks quite simple.

  Well, as before Master Bates kindly provided a sip stop chez lui.  I re-arranged his plastic dinosaurs and then thought of resuming the trail; J. Arthur told me I would then miss the food.  Do I want food half way round a trail?  At first my companions were Dormouse, ‘Arfur Pint, and Mrs G; later we came upon Veggie Queen and Belcher, and spotted Peay short-cutting down a canal bank.  Back at base there was Clever Trevor taking a walk, so in all perhaps we were one-third of those present at the start.  I sank a beer (always have a can in reserve for these occasions!), saw no-one new come back, and went home.  I could understand that eaters of good grub should await its preparation, but what mystified me was that front runners, who evidently had eschewed the sip stop (a Puritan lot, these front runners!) had marked through a number of the checks, but had either then got lost or had gone home even before our group got back.  They did include some visitors, who must have acquired strange ideas of how Surrey run their trails.

  Now at the start Master Bates had told us of locked gates frustrating his thoughts of a variant to his trail, marked in flour by an X.  [Ed: it foiled Uncle Gerry & Tosser.] Our group found no such X, but we did find, shortly before the swamp behind a garage memorable from the last trail, flour in all directions, variously three blobs and single blobs, in a most mysterious tangle.  Well, we came through this maze successfully enough, without even much use of smartphones, but remained puzzled.  And wet-footed; the trail around there was rich in water, though Belcher decried our squeamishness.  We reminded him of his recent foolhardy immersion.  [Ed: the solution was through the car wash again!]

  Our academic daughter has a friend whose son lost his fellowship at an Oxford college for asserting black people are less intelligent than white people.  This idea, once prevalent, has been much less usual since we learned that youngsters here from Chinese or Indian stock out-perform white pupils, and that girls do better academically than boys.  Of course the difference is cultural; Chinese families require intense diligence of their young people, at school or college, girls see nothing wrong with serious application to their lessons, escaping the laddish ethos of not shining in class.  Families of Pakistani origin do less well at school than white children, boys of West Indian backgrounds do even worse.  (Those from Africa have no such problem; the two brightest boys I have ever taught were Ghanaian).  All a question of family traditions and expectations, nothing to do with innate intelligence.  But racial prejudice dies hard; the young man outed at Oxford had ties with the British far-right, the hotbed of ancient wrong ideas.

In southern USA poor whites were reconciled to being exploited by thinking themselves superior to their black neighbours. 

Happy Hare

Afrikaners console themselves from isolation by dwelling on being better than the Africans around them.

  On On, FRB

Letters to the Editor

Dear All,

An update on your year’s charity hash fundraising:- We have supported 18 life changing càtaract operations (£40 each) & have raised £800 to install a clean water machine in a school in Uganda, where the children can now enjoy a cup of water whenever they need one, thanks to you all. The feedback as to the difference it has made has been terrific. With your support, we will continue to support the càtaract operations in Gambia, & now to mend a ‘leaky roof’ in Uganda.


xx Sister Anna

Larger pictures can be found with this week’s trail pictures – Ed.

Dear FRB,

In your write-up of Run 2518 you recall Runs of yesteryears, in particular Packs generally staying together, and lament about more recent Runs fragmenting, primarily through Hares indulging the Pack by clearly marked shortcuts, rather than individuals taking the initiative unaided.

I fully share your sentiments. However I would respectfully suggest that it does not need to be this way. A case in point was my Run/Route of 31st March (No. 2515), which you sadly missed, where all participants, with the sole exception of Peay who “enjoyed” 1.5 miles of non-pavement tarmac, returned after 90 minutes+ on the actual trail. In fact for considerable parts shortcutting was not possible or not beneficial. No shortcut was laid or on offer.

With thought and effort it is still possible to lay such Runs, it just needs Hares to engage brains, possibly a stretch too far for some. We shall see what future Runs deliver.


Uncle Gerry.

Extract from Bucks Free Press about the pub we visited at the last CAMRA Hash.

The owner of a popular pub in Marlow said he was ‘very sad’ to receive negative comments online after posting about a St George’s Day party.

Steve Blake, landlord of The Duke on Queens Road, said he was subjected to online trolls who told him his “sense of nationalism verges on the vulgar” after he posted about a party held at the pub on Tuesday, April 23, in honour of St George’s Day.

He said the comments also warned him that flying the English flag in recognition of the national celebration “devalued” his establishment.

“We find it very sad that we received such comments. We are committed to being the best community pub in Marlow, and we celebrate St George’s Day, St Patrick’s Day, New Year’s Eve, Christmas and more.

“It’s quite surprising that some of the critics don’t appear to even live in Marlow, which surely makes it more of a case of choosing to be offended rather than knowledge of the town.”

St George’s Day has been celebrated in England since the early 15th century and was once considered as important as Christmas.

For more entertainment I would recommend revisiting RS2357 & RS2490 about runs from the same place!  In the former, it appears that half the committee resigned (more to do with COVID than MB’s trail) & Uncle Gerry had a megagrump, “shows how desperate everyone is if 40 people turned up to do this!”  Even FRB said, “if an area of Surrey has been left unhashed for 45 years, there was probably a reason…let’s not run there for another 45 years.”

If you care to look at the hare’s pictures in the links below you will see that he is convinced that he lives in the middle of the countryside!

More detailed pictures available here (Google) or here (Dropbox).

Other silly stuff

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