Contact us

Contact us by email

Offer to set a trail

Let us know your plans, proposed location and any other details. 
E-mail our lovely, accommodating Trail Mistress, Birthing Blanket:

Or call or send a WhatsApp message to the Trails Line (the one that never rings):

Contributions to the Runday Shag

Message the GM

Message Dapper Hasherie

Message Hash Cash

Join us!

These days it’s much easier for you to set it up a standing order directly with your bank on-line.  Details:

Quarterly payment of £12 (£20 for joint/family membership)in favour of:

Name:           Surrey Hash House Harriers (NatWest Bank)
Sort code:      60-06-19
Account Number: 62533894
Reference:      Your name (sub)
Start date:    (You choose)

When you have done that please confirm to J Arthur (Hash Cash) with some personal details, which of course will be kept confidential:

Name, Address (incl.postcode)


Mobile number

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