Hash Histories

Origins of the Hash

Hashing was started in Kuala Lumpur in 1938 by British expats.  Now almost every country in the world has a club or ‘kennel’.  This makes hashing perfect for anyone who travels regularly for business or pleasure and wishes to meet-up, socialise, and see parts of the city that they may otherwise never have seen.

Hashing is also a very good way to see the world. Kennels will organise events to celebrate milestones such as 25 years or 2000 runs, and everyone is invited.  Events will also be arranged on a geographical basis.  Every two years is Interhash where thousands of hashers from all over the world gather to run trails and socialise.  On alternate years regional gatherings are organised such as Eurohash and Inter-Americas.

The First Hash Kennels in the World

1. Hash House Harriers (Mother Hash) 1938

2. Hash House Harriers Singapore 1962

3. Brunei Hash House Harriers 1963

4. Kuching Hash House Harriers 1963

5. Miri Hash House Harriers 1963

6.   Sibu Hash House Harriers 1964

7.   Kota Kinabalu Hash House Harriers 1964

8.   Penang Hash House Harriers 1965

9.   Ipoh Hash House Harriers 1965

10. Sandakan Hash House Harriers 1965

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