Run details
Trail no:
2491, 15 October 2023
Tequil’over & Chunderos
Trailhead Brewery, Punchbowl Lane, Dorking, RH5 4DX
On on:
As above, PLUS Bonzos’ gig in Brockham
Full closure of the A3 at the M25 junction is now planned for THIS weekend. See National Highways link for latest information.
From Dorking Cock roundabout take A24 south, s.p. Horsham. After ½ km turn left into Chart Lane South, S.p Blackbrook 1 (and Brown sign: Royal Oak). After ½ km turn left into Punchbowl Lane s.p. Betchworth (and Trailhead Brewing company – maybe!).
After ½ km turn right into Goldenlands Farm. Park as directed.
On-On: the farm site has a number of businesses; Brewery with Pizza/Burger, Gin Cocktail Bar (often with Pizza truck) and a Taco, coffee and soft drink shack Uboos will be open (as Teq has negotiated). Those not going on to the Bonzos gig can boogie away at Trail Head (Pizzas), Uboos (Tacos) and Gin Kitchen (Gin and more!) for the rest of the day.
If that is not enough; there is a BonzoBills “Oktober” gig at Brockham Village hall – start time deliberately delayed to 3pm to facilitate hashers with tickets. Brockham is 2.5 miles (8 mins) via the “pretty” route (Tilehurst Lane). Get Tickets Here. Flyer below.