The Runday Shag
Issue 2538
Date: 8 September 2004
Hares: Belcher & Veggie Queen
Venue: Bletchingley Village Hall
On On: The Red Lion
When we arrived into the Car Park at 10 minutes to it was surprising to see Atalanta’s car present, but then we saw Spud and realised he had encouraged her out of bed on dog sitting duties. While the GM jollies in the USA, Poshie yelled a few times to get the circle into order for the hare talk. Belcher then entered with a milk bottle full of flour to say there was a short cut, but he hadn’t laid it yet so if we came across as power plant to wait and he would lay it.
Then after a while Le Pro stepped forward and offered to be become the checking chicken for the run.
Then the pack headed out across the road down the turning opposite where the trail was laid fairly regularly. It then became fairly rural with some trees and paths for a while and then eventually on the right was a big sign saying short cut but mysteriously there were blobs as after it then Sister Anna called on Bods to help her down a path because Dormouse was somewhere behind with the dogs. Then the trail crossed some fields and paths for a long while with barely any checks. It wasn’t clear where the main run continued but we continued along the short cut forever.
More fields appeared some with cows and sheep in them with quite a few gates. Then eventually the main runners caught up and passed until there was a steepish hill quite narrow where the pack headed up to the road which would eventually take us home. So by the time we reached the circle the pack had completed nearly 9km !
Poshie busily filled about 20 mugs with beer and decided not to get the visitors in as there were too many. Then the RA entered and haranged Belcher for a bit and then declared it was Mother Mary’s birthday and then declared all the Virgo’s should enter the circle to celebrate which Atalanta was the only one then, Lord Raleigh was asked to drink a beer together with SBJ‘s partner in crime so they all partook in a down down after which the pack headed to the Red Lion. Many thanks Belcher & Veggie Queen.
On On Bodyshop
Political postscript!
Whilst the editorial team has no politics (really) we searched around for a view to balance some recent contributons for a change and came across our old friend Sid Snot (Remember? “Some people say my shoes are crepe – I fink they’re alright!”) Sid says:
“Stop the Boats! I mean REALLY stop ’em! Don’t send in the f’ing RNLI & “Border Force” taxi service (what border, what force?) send in the Royal Navy, harpoon the f’in’ boats, make ’em useless, and drag ’em back to Frogland! Yes, there will be international condemnation about an aggressive navy, but those making the noise will secretly wish they could do the same and it wouldn’t be as bad as the stink over real conflicts like Ukraine and Israel.
Anyone who is travelling without valid papers is most likely illegal and shouldn’t even be in France. If there are any genuine refugees among them (unlikely as there are vaild routes for them), let the French process them and maybe we’ll offer to take a few. If they know they have no chance of making the crossing THEN THEY WILL STOP and they won’t even bother to go to northern France. Double bubble. Happy Froggies too. Just because I’m going to die in a few years doesn’t mean I don’t care that the namby pamby state is going to ruin this country and expect my kids to pay for it!
PS is that why your mystery seaside trip has moved inland?
Some sad news
Dear Grand Master,
I don’t know if some of your veterans remember my father who died last night [8 September], Andrew Maclean aka MFI. He hashed with the Surrey Hash for more than 50 years and spawned 3 Hashbrats (Angus, Jamie, Alastair – me) and was the beloved husband of Liz aka Sick Note.
He hashed more intermittently when he moved away from Surrey, but he was a regular with the “Ski Hash” (I think my sister, Jamie went to some of the first ones) and I used to go with my wife Brigitte aka Escargot. – I personally never got a suitable hash name but do respond to a wide range of 4 letter words.
We skied with eminent Hashers such as Sir Ray, Blue Suit, Gunner rear, Gaylord, Goodwithkids and Cool Box to name but a few.
The SHHH meant a lot to him, I think he must have been one of the first of the era of Jim Raper etc, he was too sick to do it for the last few years, the last one was the Fontainebleau Hash in 2021 with us.
If anyone is interested in attending his last On In, it will be happening in Ashtead and I can give details.
Love to all
On On
Sad news indeed. I have fond memories of skiing with him and Sicknote, Ancient Mariner, G&T and Herr Flick amongst others.

Trail 2538. All submissions were the same this week so it must have been well laid!
Pictures – Click for larger copies of these & many many more in this week’s album

The winter fuel allowance – if you want to means test it, just add it to the pension and tax it. Simples!