The Runday Shag
Issue 2537
Date: 1 September 2024
Hares: RHUM & Atalanta
Venue: Starveall Corner car park
On On: The Parrot, Forest Green
A beautiful day in beautiful Surrey
Having been suitably bribed by Atty with a week of dog sitting here is the write up!
It was a wonderful trail on a glorious Sunday morning. The trail started at Starveall Corner carpark at Leith Hill so plenty of hill climbing seemed to be on the cards.
The trail started on a downhill just to confuse every one who thought we were going to climb straight to Leith Hill Tower. The trail meandered through the trees with slight uphills and downhills but with no real hills. The checks were plentiful and suitably tricky with at least 100m before the first blob of flour so that kept Big Foot and Stevie Blunder and any other FRBs busy / quiet and kept a lot of the pack together. At one point I saw Teq coming out of the bushes proving the trail was so good (did I mention the dogsitting?) that even the hashers trying to avoid the trail managed to keep up with the pack!
Unfortunately keeping the pack together meant I bumped into Chunderos on trail and as I couldn’t think of an excuse ended up doing this write up.
Suddenly after running a bit of mountain bike track we surprisingly found outselves at the top of Leith hill, 1000 feet above sea level and don’t let anyone tell you differently (see we were paying attention, Big Foot), and really not sure how we got there!
Big Foot suddenly announced himself as Creative director and with the vision of Cecil B DeMille shepherded the pack into a Surrey Hash Group photo (yet to see the outcome) [Ed – see below].
The rest of the trail was a lovely downhill to the carpark and beer stop.
The circle was led by Chunderos who gave a down down down to the fine hares and also to our visitor, who appeared to have had some bizarre love nest with half the pack.
Then the RA launched in with his little black book of sinners charges were doled out to sins on trail (me for not indicating the trail and to Atty for actually indicating the trail).
It also was Pet rock day ( ?!) so the rock heads were called in to examine BigFoot’s pet rock and of course Raffles who is never without his pet rock (aka Petal).
The Malaysians were called in, in honour of Malaysia day although there seemed to be a bit of discussion on what and when they were celebrating.
And finally all the catholics, lapsed and otherwise, were called in for some sin, not sure why, but it’s OK as it’s nothing that a down down and a confession can’t cure.
And so ended a wonderful hash (yep, that dog sitting really worked)!
On on, Ms Bean

Message to our esteemed GM: Dn’t wrry. The minions r kpng t shw on t road!

I recommend the latest On on Magazine to you. It is a veritable tome of hash news from all over the world and you will see familiar faces on pages 6 & 9, but you may wish that you didn’t. You will also find news of some of your other friends and hashes or former hashes. The alphabet of hashers on pages 19-23 has some familar entries too. Remember Timbo & Tinny?
Sadly there is also news of John Urine Jackson’s passing. A stalwart hasher who single handedly got Interhash to Cyprus, which was well attended by SH3. He was also on the organising committee for Goa Interhash.
And if you haven’t already, sign up for the CAMHA Hash in mid Berkshire on 29 September. This will replace the usual Surrey run.
Trail 2537

Pictures – Click for larger copies of these & many many more in this week’s album


The electric cycle club