First Friday Hash

FFH is no more?




On Inn:

FFH 59 Report

  • FFH 59:  07/06/2024-19:00

Venue:   Shere Village

Hare:      Le Pro

OnOn:    The White Horse

Runners:  Atalanta, Kelinchi, Bodyshop, Hash Flash, J Arthur, Master Bates and Simple

Finem Moratorium

Contrary to the debacle which was FFH 58, the hare, Le Pro, was waiting in the car park to greet us.  It was a pleasant summery evening albeit with a slightly chilly wind that gave comfort when we’d warmed up.  Atty predicted that the trail would go all around the cricket pitch.  After an early check, that’s just what it did, probably, to accommodate latecomers.  Then across the road and through the church, we were in countryside where latecomer Kelinchi caught us up.  Somehow we lost Bods, mainly because he got lost!  About ¾ of the way round, by a weir on the Tillingbourne, Le Pro offered some of us a little short cut. The full trail was just under 4 miles/6km long.  In the White Horse, getting our priorities right, we got our drinks, ordered our food and then tried to discover the fate of Bods.  Eventually, Atty managed to contact him by phone and he insisted that he’d only been delayed.  She took his order and in a little(ish) while, he joined us.  I GM’d and down-downed the hare and Simple called out the sinners who were:

  • Atty for using up two parking spaces
  • Bods for falsely calling OnOn
  • Flash for peeing all around the trail
  • JArthur for putting his back out opening a packet of cornflakes!

All in all it was a textbook (and enjoyable) First Friday Hash, thank you, Le Pro.

OnOn, Master Bates

Why did the chicken cross the Möbius Strip?
To get to the same side!

A middle-aged couple was dining in a restaurant when the husband made a slight Freudian Slip. Instead of saying “Please pass the salt,” he said “You’ve ruined my life, you blood sucking bitch!”

More pictures in this album.

FFH 58 Report

FFH 58:  01/12/2023-19:00

Venue:   The Comodor, Byfleet

Hare:      None

OnOn:      The Comodor

Runners:  None, but some willing: Lady Chatterley, 3/4d, Simple and Master Bates

All Could’ve Been Well, But At Least It Ended Well.

I arrived about 18:50 to find Lady C and 3/4d searching for flour, having found no trace outside the restaurant.  Simple then arrived and joined the doomed hunt.  The track shows my efforts. We had checked the website which was still showing 8 running and 9 dining.  In our freezing frustration, we also checked that it was, really Friday!  As we spread out, I encountered Chest Mate who explained that Balls Breaker had cancelled the Run due to poor support.  Unbeknownst to us the (would be) hare was ensconced in The Plough, some 75 m from the start.  3/4d, especially, was not amused!  I understand that some who registered to run were contacted about the cancellation.  It was now 19:20 and rather than spend an hour in the pub, building up our blood alcohol levels, we, being allowed to occupy our table early, ordered our food.  Teq and Chundy then arrived and the six of us dined together.

As we were finishing, the Diners arrived, two of whom, had registered.  It was Julie’s Birthday and a cake was provided.

The rest of the evening turned out to be as enjoyable as any other FFH at the Comodor.  The One-Man-Band, “Just Lee”, provided the music and he played at fairly low volume while we were eating and chatting and only ramped it up when we were all on the dance floor.  Teq, wisely, stayed in his own space while “running in” his new hip with limited (for him) gyrations.

All in all, it was a great OnOn, shame about the run!


Master Bates

More pictures in Dropbox

FFH 57 Report

FFH 57:  06/10/2023-19:00

Venue:           Henley lake.

Hares:            3/4d and Lady Chatterley

OnOn:            The Royal Oak

Runners:       Kelinchi, Squid, Just Wendy and Master Bates

All’s Well That Ends Well.

  Despite the enthusiasm of a famous Scottish hasher, SFFHHH set off with a very small pack on a lovely almost summery warm dry evening. Two hares, 3 seasoned hashers (Kelinchi, MB and Squid) and a virgin = just Wendy. The location and on inn had been chosen to meet Hash Flash’s recipe for a successful trail. Plenty of car parking at start and pub; Mostly rural (this was all rural); In Surrey; Cheap good quality beer and food at Pub; Pub Hash friendly. 5K in 1 Hour……..Perhaps the hares missed something else out? Henley Lake used to be a part of the Henley estate – that manor is now flats and the lake owned by MoD. In summer it is carpeted with yellow lilies and well worth a visit.

  The hares prefer to lay 3 and on but decided to opt for just one and on, due to the small pack. The trail started in the “managed access” area of the MoD land. i.e. use when you like – try to stick to footpaths – don’t complain if you see marauding British or Ukrainian soldiers firing blanks and shouting. This area lends itself perfectly to hashing with a myriad of official and unofficial footpaths. The hares had checked the range diary on line and confirmed that access to the danger area would be granted at 15:30 once all live firing had ended and the area cleared. This area is even a better terrain for hashing being a huge undisturbed training area – mainly kept secured due to rick O’Shea risk. The trail went around the lake then up to the secured area access. Up to a view point then down to the secret lake (pictures on Facebook). From there along the admirals walk then turned through the heath land to pick up the trail through one of the firing ranges and back to the start. All enjoyed themselves. The route could be recycled, lengthened, made more complex but checks must be made as to when Flags are Down. Exactly 5 K and 60 minutes later we were heading to the Pub. The landlord had recently welcomed NH4. And confirmed hashers welcome. We had our own area provided as we expected 10. An excellent selection of reasonably priced food was order as well as a selection of drinks including a chardonnay for MB. Just Wendy told a series of really bad jokes then we coffee’d and headed for home.

  OnOn, 3s4d/Lady Chatterley


I’d had a bad reaction to a flu jab two days before and almost cried off. Since, however, I realised that the Hares were determined to lay the trail, no matter how small the pack, I decided to attend, and I’m glad I did. I felt much better after the run and really enjoyed the meal and company. Many thanks are due to the Hares for laying such a great trail.

OnOn, Master Bates

More pictures in Dropbox

FFH 56 Report

FFH 56:  01/09/2023-19:00

Hare:               Bodyshop

Start:               A bench in Byfleet Village Green

On-On:            The Comodor

In attendance:

Runners:          Atalanta, Le Pro, Master Bates, Lady Chatterley, 3s/4d, Squid, Eagle Eye

Also in attendance:

‘Ardon Provocateur


A textbook run from Bodyshop with The Comodor up to its usual standard!

I’ve been asked, provoked, press ganged, even poked and man handled into writing something about September’s First Friday Hash. The answer is, not a lot, but here goes.

We started from a park bench in Byfleet Village Green and it looked as if nobody was willing to run. There was a lot of concrete as we set off, at which Atalanta took an instant dislike, therefore it was left to Le Pro and Eagle Eye to find the early checkpoints. However this energised the group into thinking, come on folks we can’t let that Scottish git find all the checks!! Into the countryside and Atty came out of her shell and started to keep Eagle Eye company. Lady C, 3s4d and Squid could have been tempted into some kind of running but Masterbates was providing an easy alternative of a pleasant walk and chat. Le Pro tried to take the front runners into a cemetery but Atalanta was having “nun” of it!! All done and dusted in 50 minutes, thanks Bodyshop!

Time for some Italian nosh while Lady Chatterley and Eagle Eye made their debuts as GM and RA respectively. There were only 9 of us including the hare so it would be easier to say who didn’t get a down down, Ardon Provocateur, Atalanta, Squid and Lady Chatterley being well behaved. Those taking a mini down-down were:

Master Bates, Le Pro, 3s and 4d, Eagle Eye and the hare.

Finally we said what we hope is a temporary farewell to Eagle Eye, off to study environmental science at Uni. In the last few years he’s been a great addition to the First Friday and at last Le Pro has got a friend !!!

On On, Le Pro

More pictures in Dropbox

FFH 55 Report

FFH55:  04/08/2023–19:00
Hare: Atalanta
Start: Chez Atalanta, (almost) Oxshott
On-On: Chez Atalanta, ut supra
In Attendance:
Front Runners: RHUM, Le Pro,
Runners: Master Bates
(Slow) Walkers: Fish’n’Chips
Also in attendance:
J Arthur, Chunderous, Tequil’over, ‘Ardon Provocateur
Cancellations: Hash Flash
A well laid scenic trail, probably, and a magnificent OnOn, absolutely!

Being worried about the parking in Milner Drive (I needn’t have!), I arrived at Sandown Cottage about half an hour early.  Atty informed me that, not only had Flash cancelled, but J Arthur had just phoned to say that he wouldn’t be running due to a medical appointment.  When the total pack of four had  ssembled, Fish’n’Chips said that she would be walking the trail more slowly than normal and not to wait for her to catch up. She knows this area like the back of her hand, anyway.

It started well enough, going west down Sandy Lane soon turning right into a footpath into the woods. The first two checks were duly solved by the front runners but then it went awry. It was the last I saw of the pack on the run. I  eventually found flour on the shores of Middle Pond but, as I found out later, this was a later part of the trail and I had short-cut three quarters of the run!

At the next check, there  were not only several paths but a large open area where the flour could be behind any one of dozens of trees.  I guessed (incorrectly) that the trail crossed the A3 at the Fairmile and headed for the path which goes alongside it.  Just before I got to it, I saw my last blob of flour but I was going in the wrong direction.  When I got to the Waterford Close Car Park, I gave up and used my Satnav to get back.  As I came through Sandy Lane Car Park (not Car Park Sandy Lane, Barnes please note!) there was a Police Dog Handling Car.  I was just in time to meet J Arthur who had just parked in Milner Drive and we walked to Sandown Cottage together.  I spotted ‘Ardon’s car but he was doing his usual thing of walking back along the On-In.

The rest of the pack did  more of the trail but, I understand, missed more than half of it.  With only two front runners we would, of course, have benefitted  from the hare going round with us.  Unfortunately, even Atalanta can’t be in two places at once and she was busy slaving over a hot stove.

At chez Atty we were greeted with a feast.  There were nibbles and dips, including salsa and my favourite, crab mayonnaise. I didn’t know that Pringles now make a palatable multi-grain range.  The main courses were Salmon & Asparagus Gratin, Harissa  Chicken and Lamb Tagine the latter enhanced by adding the provided tzatziki.  The puddings included strawberries and cream. 

I helpfully took my plate back to the kitchen but didn’t quite make it, by tripping over her “tunnel of love”.  I suffered minor contusions and bruising but the crockery didn’t survive.

Atty then opened up the firepit and unlike most women managed (eventually) to light it.  As we sat around drinking and chatting, we were hoping that some stray sparks might set fire to new house next door which has been built too close and detracts from her lovely folly.

Thank you, Atalanta, for a wonderful evening.

OnOn, Master Bates