
Bonn Bugle
Grand Mistress
Learnt her management skills in Germany and can turn you to stone with a single glance.

Joint Mistress
Seasoned committee member back after a (well-earned) rest.

Too Posh
Joint Mistress
Better to have more than one mistress. Lucky us!

On Sec (library pic.)
Happy go lucky chap willing to fill in where necessary. If you want something done, give it to a busy woman or RHUM.

Birthing Blanket
Most welcoming member of the mismanagement! All reasonable offers accepted.

J Arthur
Hash Cash & Biermeister
Guards your funds in Cayman Islands accounts to ensure that they are safe from government hands.

Religious Advisor
A truly international hasher seen here at Interhash 2024 celebrating his appointment to SH3 Mismanagement!

Petal & Raffles
Sub-editor & webmaster
The dog is more intelligent than the human he is lumbered with.

Clutcher's Mistress
Faster than a speeding bullet, takes tall buildings in her stride with a distinctively shrill call.

Uncle Gerry
Spare whotsit
Capable of leaving his stamp on any position when needed, which is most of the time.

Master Bates
Hash Cam
When not making music, he’s looking for an alternative angle.

Ms Bean
Dapper Hasherie
When taking a break from counting beans and running she’ll sort out your couture.
Contact any committee member via the contact form.