Run details
Trail no:
2481, 6 August 2023
Teddy Bear
Dukes Square car park, Denne Rd, Horsham, RH12 1JF
On on:
BBQ Chez Teddy Bear (a 3 minute walk)
The run will be from Dukes Sq. car park behind the Drill Hall. If full, use Denne Rd car park. Take A24 from Dorking or A281 from Guildford to Horsham town centre. Denne Road is accessed from start of Brighton Road, leading east out of town centre. Parking costs £1.70 for the day.
Message from Teddy Bear:
All are welcome at the BBQ, but please email me if you intend coming, giving numbers in your party and number of vegetarians (if any), latest 4/8/2023, so I can ensure right amount of food & drink is catered. (E-mail address given in On Sec’s weekly e-mail).
My house and garden are small and I only have outdoor seating for 23. So if a few bring a fold up chair it would help if the attendance is high.