The Runday Shag
Issue 2552
Date: 15 December 2024
Hare: Stevie Blunder
Venue: Thursley Public car park
On On: The Golden Fleece, Elstead
If it could go wrong, it would go wrong,
but All’s Well That Ends Well
Thanks again
Firstly another special thanks to all those who helped to make the Jingle Bells such a success last week – Clever Trevor, Terminator and their little elfic helpers, and to No Direction for providing the music.
Before the Trail
It did not start well! Bonn Bugle is conducting affairs from Australia and relying on the rest of the committee to keep the show on the trail. The messages started flowing…
- We’re going to be late, could someone else…?
- Ditto!
- Sorry, not well yet.
- Me neither, arriving late. Will have beer.
- In pain, going straight to pub.
- Now very late. Tree down. (See Trail Links below).
- Good thing I’m always punctual (guess who?!)
- Petal, I’ve gone to the wrong car park – sorry no report this week.
The Car Park
Several people went to the wrong car park (or so I’m told by those who don’t want to admit to being in a very small minority). Doug the Tub even suggested that the web link was wrong (see Trail Links below)! “Hmm, let’s see,” standing in the right car park, “Where does the link send us? Oh yes, where we are standing!” “Oh, alright then, I just thought…” Thinking is dangerous! Old habits die hard.
The trail
At least the hare and Dapperhasherie made it on time.
As is clear from the map below the trail was well crafted with variations in scenery and short cuts. Judging by the smiles on faces at the end, short cutters and FRBs alike seemed to have enjoyed their expedition, and each group arrived back within minutes of each other, so well done Stevie Blunder.
New shoes (you grass, Bolshie)!
Raffles had new shoes, but at least they are waterproof, so ideal for drinking from.
The wobble
Unfortunately one chap had a bit of a “wobble” which caused some consternation. Nurse Atalanta took command and control admirably, ably assisted by Ms Bean.
Health & Safety on the Hash
There was much “correspondence” following the above incident from those who were involved and those who were not, but the bottom line is…
Carry a working mobile phone that is switched on!
We shall update our H&S note (elsewhere on this site).
Why have a mobile phone if it is not on? You may keep it for outgoing emergiencies only, but then you are on your own. We do our best to look after each other, but there are limits.
There have been a number of incidents on SH3 and other hashes where this could have reduced wasted time. City Hash “lost” someone recently when they wandered off, and a couple of weeks ago WLH3 also lost someone who went home leaving his belongings at the pub. FOUR police cars were involved, visiting both the pub and the hare’s home. A helicopter was on standby and another police force visited a relative in Devon after midnight. The slightly vacant hasher’s phone was switched off. Most people only knew his rather amusing hash handle, which the police took in their stride. 5 of us were trying to track him down, the hare went round the trail again and about 20 other people had opinions to express on WhatsApp. Of course some were valuable, but others were not and clouded the issue when it was still unresolved, so I’m sorry if you think I “overreacted” in trying to contain the correspondence this time.
Trail links
Have you ever wondered why there are so many links on this website to help you get to the hash and the On On? Everyone has their favourite mapping app (or atlas) and it appears that none reigns supreme. We insert Google Maps and What3Words (W3W) links. W3W also provides navigation links to Google Maps, Waze, Bing Maps and Citymapper (not much use in the countryside). Many people swear by Waze as it finds faster routes through rat runs in traffic and has up to date warnings of potholes, police activity, etc. I’ve been trying it out because it seems to work well in the new wheels. However, it has let me down spectacularly on two occasions, once sending me onto a motorway that was scheduled to close 15 minutes later (so 30 minutes added over my preferred route) and, secondly on the way to THIS RUN! Google Maps would have directed me through Tilford, but Waze chose Elstead and the fallen tree had not been reported. There were no diversion signs because there was no alternative to a return to Elstead and try again down the A3. As the tree completely blocked the road it was not even possible to squeeze by on foot or go to Hankley Common and find the hash from the other side. Waze lovers beware!
Every cloud has a silver lining and I was able to inform the pack not to try the direct road to Elstead to get to the On On, which was very enjoyable. It was a pleasure to see some returning faces in the ever welcoming pub.
On On!
Christmas is coming – this is a politics free zone. Hooray! We do, however, have a new listing.
There will be a hash set by Guildford H3 from Albury Cricket Club at 11 am with haggis. Surrey & Barnes members welcome (it is a Wednesday after all)! Please let Le Pro know if interested. Hares Daring Alice. There will also be a walkers’ trail to allow the runners to blitz it. Suggest you bring your own tipple.